StemScreen Workshop Registration

The first StemScreen workshop is planned for 2-5 September, 2024, at Panum. The workshop is aimed at researchers at any career stage who are interested in using the StemScreen facility to run a high-content screen. Four morning sessions (09:00-12:00) will cover high-content screening concepts and practicalities, cell models and screen design, libraries for screening, and data analysis and visualization:

  1. What is a high-content screen? – Mon Sept 2 – Kim B. Jensen & Jonas V. Bagge, UCPH
  2. Cell models and screen design – Tues Sept 3 – Kim B. Jensen & Jonas V. Bagge, UCPH
  3. Libraries – Wed Sept 4 – Albert Kooistra, UCPH
  4. Data analysis and visualization – Thurs Sept 5 – Fredrik Wieland, Yokogawa Deutschland GmbH

Each session will be taught by a scientist with expertise in that area, and will involve some short lectures about different aspects related to that day’s topic; and Q&A and discussion led by the teacher around the ideas presented.

There will be a maximum of 20 participants - primarily from the StemScreen network, but the workshop is also now open for other researchers interested in high-content screens to sign up (few places available as of 3 May, 2024).

Space is limited to 20 participants. There is no fee. If more than 20 people sign up, the motivation statements submitted in this form may be taken into consideration for allocation of places. Participants should plan to attend all four sessions.

Fill out this form to submit your registration for the workshop.

Fields marked with * are required.

Enter your name here.
Select the option that best describes your occupation.
Enter the institution (e.g. university or company) where you are employed or enrolled.
Are you working on a current StemScreen project? *
Indicate whether you are working on a current StemScreen project.
Enter the name of your group leader (which may be yourself), or another name to describe your research group if you do not have a group leader.
Briefly explain your interest in the workshop and its content, and how it fits with your current or future research plans.